I’m still in the moon boot, which is a royal pain in the arse, and I’ve still got a few weeks plus physio to go. All this lack of movement is driving me a liiiiitle coo coo, and I think it’s making my knee arthritis worse. Sure, I’m an introvert who’s happiest at home with…… Continue reading Power Begets Power
Category: Politics
The Lines Have Just Blurred Real Fast
There’s not really anything for me to do, but go right up to the police station and try to get a job with them. So I drive my shiny new car and park behind the shops. I tell you what though, this car is fast off the mark. I don’t think it came like this…… Continue reading The Lines Have Just Blurred Real Fast
Why Don’t I Just Break Bones And Walk Away?
So you might be wondering why I didn’t just break the guy’s finger from last week and walk away. Look, if you’re not a superhero, you can do that. But I am. I’m in the guild. I’ve got the badge. The phone. I’m one of them. Walking away would be easier, but that doesn’t follow…… Continue reading Why Don’t I Just Break Bones And Walk Away?